
Jim Leonard

Sobriety Guru

Jim Leonard is a consultant and Life Coach for Peace & Purpose. He was born in Ireland and immigrated to the US in 1952. Sober for 41 years, he is the founder and director of The Art of Living Life, Inc., a non-profit organization that provides consulting and support to anyone seeking information on the impact of addiction, trauma, or stress on family systems. These include Intervention, Life Coaching, Recovery Management, Understanding Spirituality, Retreats, Workshops and Lectures.

Recovery Management focuses on the whole person (Physical-Mental-Emotional-Spiritual). Recovery is a long-term process and is often very challenging for many who wish to achieve a stable, prosperous, and happy life. The obstacle that stands between a happy or unhappy life is the lack of understanding that we are responsible for our own happiness. 

Experience: 38 years as Executive Director of addiction treatment facilities, Programs Manager of many disciplines relative to addiction treatment. Conducted numerous workshop, seminars, and lectures on addiction, recovery and transformation. Continues to provide families support post treatment. Has provided support to treatment programs nationally and internationally who need a temporary counselor for individual and group therapy. He has been a spiritual advisory, family, and continuing care counselor. Director of a small extended care facility for recovering professionals.

Author "The Art of Living Life"